The very first time I met Cheri,
I knew that she was special. By the time
I walked her back to her dorm after our first real date, I was in love. She captured my heart with her long blonde
hair, her stunning beauty, and her confident wit. I never even thought about dating another
girl after that night. I was in love,
but that was only the beginning.
For the next three school years
we were together every chance we could get.
We attended formal events, walked to classes together, and met for lunch
nearly everyday. We went to basketball
and soccer games that we didn’t care about.
We attended speech recitals for people we didn’t even know just so we
could be together. The events around us simply didn’t matter. We just wanted to spend
time together.
As we spent time together we
progressed from being in love to loving each other. It only took an evening, at least for me, to
fall in love. But to grow into a love
relationship, we needed to spend time together.
I think that many couples who fall
out of love do so because they stop investing the time in their
relationship. It’s an easy trap to fall
into when we have to deal with careers, kids, friends, church, and civic responsibilities. Those are all great things, but we can get so
caught up in other things we forget to invest time in our love
relationship. Without the investment of
time, we lose sight of love. Love takes

Good stuff, Joel.... Congratulations to all of you again on Tyler and Aimee's engagement!